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They are educated, have a high income, and make 95 percent of the purchase decisions for their households.In a consumer society like ours, the role of women in making household purchasing decisions is a well-established fact.Men have always needed a job if they wanted the basics like food, shelter, and clothing.Women also spend more […].We got a lot of dollars for stuff like […].Women have the very leadership skills the world needs right […].
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Business women want to know, " Corporate sponsors, are you in? Furthermore, women are more social than men when it comes to engaging with brands, buying products that they have seen ads for and making recommendations online.The Geek Initiative , on September 20th, at 8: Women have the very leadership skills the world needs right […].Men have known this forever.Vital Perspectives , on July 20th, at
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CampusNow , on March 26th, at 1: Misconceptions about the wage gap between men and women are driving support for the Paycheck […].At the core, […].A new study reveals that Internet use far surpasses TV and print.Many Boomer women will experience a double inheritance windfall, from both parents and husband.If the internet is made up of women and cats, then why […].